Large school districts and individual schools continued to outperform their peers. Blended learning programs drive growth in college and career readiness.

Schools that can leverage data to inform their ACT prep programs can significantly outperform their peer-schools. They can also start to implement a continuous improvement program.

ACT® is one of the leading college entrance exams that is built to determine students' academic readiness for college and career. Many states now offer the test to Juniors and Seniors for free and it is beginning to take a prominent role in accountability of students and high school administrators.

Be proactive in your approach to improve student's preparedness for high stakes assessments. Look beyond item analysis for formative assessment. To reduce defects, lean six sigma is the most reliable and productive approach used in manufacturing, software development, and customer service. Online platforms that leverage lean six sigma are better at helping teachers design program that will impact outcome.

We are excited to report that over 65% of high schools showed statistically significant year over year improvement in ACT® composite score. Most of the schools increased student participation in ACT testing by 15%, so they reported results for 90% of their graduating students.