Graduating Class Results - 2015-2016

We analyzed results from 21 schools that used Analyze Ed recommendation for the first time with their graduating class of 2016. A total of 5,700 students graduated from these schools in 2016. The average class size was 272 students and 25.9% of the students were classified as economically disadvantaged (ED).

These 21 schools reported ACT scores for 94% of their graduating class in 2016 compared to 79% of their graduating class in 2015. In general, increased reporting is expected to result in a reduction in composite score but the schools that participated in Analyze Ed's pareto analysis program encouraged more students to take the test on the state mandated testing date.

School ACT Composite Score 2015 ACT Composite Score 2016 Year-Over-Year Change ED Graduating Class Size
School 1 19.2 20.2 1.0 27.2% 115
School 2 20.0 21.2 1.2 9.1% 378
School 3 19.3 20.2 0.9 23.6% 233
School 4 18.8 20.0 1.2 27.9% 233
School 5 20.8 21.1 0.3 39.5% 117
School 6 21.4 22.1 0.7 20.7% 224
School 7 18.7 19.4 0.7 23.6% 463
School 8 21.3 22.3 1.0 8.7% 515
School 9 18.7 18.8 0.1 21.7% 121
School 10 20.3 20.1 -0.2 11.5% 463
School 11 22.2 22.7 0.5 29.8% 534
School 12 15.9 17.1 1.2 50.9% 103
School 13 19.0 19.8 0.8 36.8% 367
School 14 20.4 20.5 0.1 30.5% 382
School 15 21.3 22.5 1.2 22.2% 226
School 16 18.6 19.3 0.7 31.7% 115
School 17 18.7 21.1 2.4 30.3% 55
School 18 20.5 16.9% 498
School 19 18.6 19.6 1.0 29.3% 98
School 20 19.6 19.3 -0.3 25.5% 249
School 21 18.6 18.8 0.2 26.8% 217
Total 19.6 (average) 20.3 (average) 0.7 25.9% 272 (average)

The 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 data was compiled from the state department of education website. All schools implemented the pareto analysis based improvement program during the student's junior year of enrollment and in most cases over 90% of the students participated in the assessment.

If you are interested in learning more about any of these schools in the study and how our program helped them please write to us. Many of these administrators will be happy to talk to you about the use of the ACT pareto analysis and how they structure their improvement program.